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Solsgirth Home Farm

April Flowers at the farm.

As we head into May, we would like to share some of the flowers that showed their pretty heads in April.

When you think of April, do you think of Daffodils and lambs?

April on the farm can be a busy month, with it being mid-spring there are so many tasks that must be done to prepare for summer not to mention the 24/7 task of lambing on top of the usual chores. But it is so important to recognise how amazing this time of year is, with the many diverse types of flora growing all around us. We feel lucky here at Solsgirth Home Farm to have an amazing diversity of such.


The daffodil is native to Europe and typically blooms in the early spring, which coincides with Easter celebrations where it is also be called the “Lent Lily.”

Most of them are domestic cultivars and whilst they look pretty, they are generally not a favourite for our honeybees but look great along the roads and gardens.

Its scientific name is Narcissus in reference to an Ancient Greek myth.

According to the myth, Narcissus was so captivated by his own reflection in a pool of water that he fell in and drowned and daffodils grow in the spot where he fell.

In the language of flowers, a gift of a daffodil says “New beginnings”


This area of the farm, we call the ’Glen’, and the burn forms the boundary between Fife to the left and Perth to the right. The Bluebells are just coming up but not in full flower quite yet though they are a flower that likes dappled shade, so broadleaf woodlands that are coppiced or harvested regularly.


On the banks beside the burn are plenty of Primroses which flower from March until May. They thrive in woods, scrub and grassy banks so, this habitat is perfect for them.

Pollinators such as bees, brimstone moths and small tortoiseshell butterflies rely on the flowers as a source of nectar.

Primroses are an ancient-woodland-indicator plant so if you spot it while you're out exploring, it could be a sign you're standing in a rare and special habitat.

In Irish folklore, primroses in the doorway protected the home from fairies.

In the language of flowers, a gift of a primrose says “I can’t live without you”

Lesser Celandine

Lesser Celandine likes a similar habitat and is a member of the buttercup family, not to be confused with Greater Celandine (which is a member of the poppy family)

As among the first blooms to surface after the winter season, they play a crucial role in offering a nectar supply to queen bumblebees and other pollinators who come out of hibernation, and other early insects.

In the past, it was believed that lesser celandine could serve as an indicator of the weather due to its tendency to close its petals in anticipation of rainfall.

Moreover, its leaves are rich in vitamin C, which has been historically utilized to ward off scurvy.

In the language of flowers, a gift of a Lesser Celandine says “Joy to Come”

By encouraging these wild and planted flowers, we are providing a diverse range of habitats, we are supporting pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hoverflies, by doing this they can help improve the overall health and biodiversity of our farm's ecosystem. This leads to improved soil health, and a more sustainable farming system overall.

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